
Alejandro Pedrido is a contemporary artist who uses experimental mixed techniques (grattage, acrylic, pastel) on various surfaces such as wood, canvas, plaster and cardboard. His work speaks about a tireless search, with notable mysticism, where his soul, his being and his body interpenetrate and impatiently prepare for creativity to capture in a plastic key the emotions that emanate from him. Pedrido was born in Villa Clara, Cuba and is currently based in Miami, Florida. The course of his work has always been marked by numerous events and experiences in his life, resignified and filtered by his particular way of translating his vital moments into art. Each of these moments becomes a leitmotif to compile a mass of ideas that end up being raw material, formal and thematic, to develop his plastic processes.

With his works he has managed to captivate collectors from different parts of the world, making his work found in Chile, Japan, South Korea, Mexico, and the United States in private collections.

Art Exhibitions


  • Duo Exhibition “Synergy” ArtLabbé Gallery Coral Gables, Florida

  • Group Exhibition “Entre Mundos” ArtLabbé Gallery Coral Gables, Florida

  • Diaf Daegu Korea International Gallery Art Fair W.Art Gallery

  • Collective International Art Exhibition Mombó Art Virtual Gallery Spain


  • “Focus” New York International Art Fair

  • Group Exhibition Seminole Theatre City of Homestead, Florida

  • “Bankartfair” Seoul, South Korea

  • Exhibition and work with ArtLabbé Gallery Coral Gables, Florida


  • “Llave de los sueños” Van Der Plan Gallery New York

  • Group Exhibition “The Maison” W.Art Gallery International Art Fair of Seoul, South Korea


  • “Reencuentro” Gallery Casa O, Las Tarrias Santiago de Chile

  • Solo Exhibition Chipre Libre Santiago de Chile

  • Solo Exhibition “Viceversa” Gallery Le Cirque Merida Yucatán Mexico


  • Group Exhibition Carnicería del Arte Gallery Santiago de Chile


  • “Ex Plaza Italia” Klee Gallery Santiago de Chile

  • Artistic space “Somos Felices” Santiago de ChileGroup


  • “Encuentro” Montegrande Gallery Santiago de Chile


  • Participation in the International Virtual Contemporary Art Contest Ylcca Gallery Italy